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Frequently Asked Questions

What are SSDI benefits?

Social Security disability insurance (SSDI) is based off your work record. You may be entitled to a monthly cash amount and Medicare. To qualify for disability benefits, you must have worked long enough in jobs that have paid into Social Security (depending on your age but usually 10 years). Once you stop working your "insured" benefits only last so long so you should file for disability as soon as possible.

What are SSI benefits?

Supplemental security income is a federal funded monthly income for those who have not worked long enough to qualify for SSDI benefits. Only people with low or no income and very low resources qualify for SSI.

Am I allowed to work while applying for disability?

Yes you can work, however you can only earn up to $1300 a month before taxes. But keep in mind that Social Security Disability is intended for people who are not able to work.

When should I apply for disability?

There are many different situations that apply here. If you are unable to work and are receiving medical treatment, contact our office so we can set up an appointment. We will review your case and determine if you are likely to be eligible for disability benefits.

Do I have to be denied before calling you?

No. We would love to help you through any step of the process, unless you have been denied at a hearing.

What do I do if I have been denied?

We need to know the specific date that you were denied because we only have 60 days to appeal that decision. If it is past the 60 days, we would help you start over.

Do you work for the Social Security Administration?

No but we are registered with the Social Security Administration to represent clients. We are an advocate group who help individuals through the entire process of filing for disability.

How do I find out how much I will make on disability?

You can call your local Social Security office, we have the number if you need it, and ask them for your PIA (primary insured amount/ monthly payments). Only Social Security has this information as we do not have access to it.

Do I need to hire an attorney?

No. Even though we are non-attorney representatives, we are registered with the Social Security Administration to represent clients on the initial level, reconsideration level and the hearing level.

How does CTS Disability Advocates get paid?

We do not charge any fees up front. We only receive a fee on your case if you are approved for your disability. Our fees are determined by government statute so therefore we would receive 25% of your past due benefits that is paid to us directly by Social Security (there is a set maximum that will be listed on our fee agreement form). However, if you are approved but do not have any past due benefits, we are required to file a fee petition for our time spent on getting your case approved. Once the fee petition is done, Peg will meet with you to discuss an agreeable amount. If you are denied, you pay nothing.

Can I get additional benefits for my children?

If you have children that have not graduated high school or are 18 years of age or younger, they may be eligible for benefits under your record for SSDI only.

How long do I have to be off work before I can apply for disability?

Social Security qualifications for disability is that your conditions are severe and will last for at least 12 months or more, therefore, technically you should be unable to work for at least a year. It would be helpful if your doctors would state that you will be unable to work for at least a year. However, you can start the applying process after you stop working.

What if I already have representation but want you to help me?

There are many factors in answering the questions. So, we ask that you contact us either by the contact tab on this website or calling our office.

More FAQ's for Current Clients:

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